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Find cheap Jiangxi Air tickets on eDreams

Jiangxi Air

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Do you want to go on vacation and are you looking for your Jiangxi Air plane tickets at the best price? eDreams USA offers you several flight deals with Jiangxi Air. Discover now our best offers, and book the best airfare!

Jiangxi Air general information

Jiangxi Air whose IATA code is RY has a large fleet of planes. Jiangxi Air serves many destinations around the world, including some in Europe, Africa, Asia and America.

Online check-in

With Jiangxi Air, online check-in is simple. Go to the website of Jiangxi Air and then the "online registration" tab. Then enter your ticket number, reservation code and the name of the passenger traveling on the Jiangxi Air flight. After validation of your check-in, your boarding pass will be automatically generated and a seat will be allocated to you.

If you have reserved your Jiangxi Air plane ticket with eDreams, you can also register online on the eDreams.net site or the eDreams mobile application available on Android and iOS.

In either case, know that your boarding pass will be available from your smartphone. You can also receive your boarding pass by email if you wish to print it. Also remember to bring your valid passport or ID when preparing your trip.

If you are traveling only with hand luggage, you can go directly to security checks. However, it is important to note that passengers traveling with a suitcase in the hold must necessarily go through the check-in counter to deposit and check in luggage.

Airline baggage Jiangxi Air

Like many airlines, Jiangxi Air allows passengers to take a cabin suitcase and a little extra baggage on board such as a handbag, a small backpack, a laptop, or any small baggage within the limit of about 8kg which would be useful to the traveler during the flight.

Regarding cabin baggage, keep in mind that Jiangxi Air (like all airlines), prohibits for safety reasons gels and liquids over 100ml as well as weapons, knives, scissors, generally blunt objects.

As regards checked baggage with Jiangxi Air, charges are generated Really add according to the class of your plane ticket. The same applies to the weight of luggage, which can range between 23kg and 32kg depending on the conditions of your reservation.

Get your Jiangxi Air cheap plane ticket

eDreams USA offers you the best flight deals with Jiangxi Air. Select your destination, compare the prices for your trip and find the best price before booking your flight.

Find your Jiangxi Air flight with eDreams USA

Thanks to its powerful engine search, eDreams.net instantly offers you a wide choice of flights at the lowest prices among hundreds of offers. Take advantage of the expertise of a travel agency recognized worldwide and book your Jiangxi Air airfare in return or one way with eDreams USA!

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