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Flight & hotel offers to Belize City

A Tropical vacation in Belize City

Presentation of Belize City

Belize City is the largest city in the Central American country of Belize. Located on the country’s east coast, it’s a city on the south western shore of the Gulf of Mexico. Belize City is naturally divided in two by Haulover Creek but has bridges connecting both parts. With a population of just over 57,000 people, it’s a peaceful and welcoming city that never feels crowded. If you’re planning a visit to Belize City, we at eDreams are happy to help. Our hotel and flight packages to Belize City are first rate, and you can look forward to a very enjoyable visit. Explore the city, its culture and some very interesting and beautiful surrounding areas.

Things to know before visiting Belize City

Before your flight to Belize City, make sure your passport will remain valid throughout the duration of your trip and that it has at least two blank pages for entry and exit stamps. US citizens are able to enter Belize for up to 30 days without a visa, and no vaccinations are required. Currency restrictions apply, so you can’t bring in or take out more than $5,000. Car rental is widely available in Belize City, and you can legally drive in Belize if you have a US driver’s license. English is widely understood as Belize is a former British colony, so you should have no problems of communication. Book our excellent travel package to Belize City including hotel and a flight from New York to Belize City or a flight from Los Angeles to Belize City.

What is the weather in Belize City?

Belize City has a tropical climate. It’s warm throughout the year, so you’ll never feel cold no matter when you go. Temperatures in Belize City in January, the coolest month of the year, range from 68°F to 93°F. March is the hottest month of the year with temperatures ranging from around 71°F to 99°F. Rainfall is what you’d expect of a tropical country and is quite predictable with February to April receiving the least rain. Choose the most suitable time of year for your vacation to Belize City and let us arrange it for you.

What to do in Belize City?

Visit Fort Street Tourism Village. It’s located at the mouth of Haulover Creek and is a picturesque mix of bars, restaurants and shops selling souvenirs. The Museum of Belize, on the coastal side, is an interesting place to visit. A former prison, its exhibits focus on Belize and its history as a British colony named British Honduras. Another interesting city attraction is the Traveller’s Liquors Museum and Heritage Center. You can see how they produce and bottle Belize’s best known liquor, One Barrel Rum. Best of all, you can enjoy some free samples and buy a bottle if you like it. The museum is located on Philip Goldson Highway and can be a highlight of your vacation in Belize City.

What to visit around Belize City?

There are some great attractions not too far from Belize city that you can visit on a day trip. Belize Zoo, located a few miles west, isn’t just another zoo. It’s more of a sanctuary for rescued native animals. Learn about the native wildlife of Belize and Central America from the experts who run Belize Zoo. Altun Ha is another great place to visit. It’s a fascinating archaeological site located about 30 miles north of Belize City. It’s the site of a former Mayan city and has fascinating structures and artifacts of Mayan civilization. If you want to try something more adventurous, there are tours you can book that involve jungle trekking and caving. Enjoy all that the surrounding areas have to offer by booking our acclaimed travel package to Belize City.

What to eat in Belize City?

Make your vacation in Belize City more memorable by trying authentic Belize and Central American cuisine. There are many delicious foods to try, assuming you want to experience some authentic Belizean or Central American cuisine. Fry jacks are deep-fried dough pieces. They’re very tasty and usually served with eggs or cereals. Recado rojo is an aromatic spice mix usually served with meat. A variety of spices can be used in its preparation such as clove, oregano and Cinnamon. Also try bile up if you get a chance. It’s the traditional food of the Belizean Kriols, who are descendants of African slaves. It consists of boiled eggs and fish with yam and a tomato-based sauce. All of these dishes and many more are available, and it's certainly worth exploring Belizean cuisine.

Discover More Destinations

Are you planning your flight to Belize? If the allure of Belize City for your getaway doesn't quite captivate you, consider delving into the charm of other vibrant cities from this country, and other near countries. Browse through our enticing flight and hotel bundles for your upcoming holiday escapade!