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eDreams Travel Blog
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Your love to travel has no limits? That’s great! eDreams can help you in this relationship and take you on another trip. Participate in your contest which is part of our Travel Lovers campaign and you can win a £350 discount voucher valid for Flight+Hotel offers!

Yes, this Valentine’s Day we honor the travel lovers. Every week from 8 to 28 February, you will find new flight and holiday offers on the Travel Lovers eDreams page that will capsize your heart!

For starters, here are some European cities perfect for any getaway, whether romantic or not. Which destination is made for you?

travel lovers edreams

Feeling inspired? Now you can take part in the prize draw on the Travel Lovers page. A new adventure could be waiting for you…

How to participate

  • Visit the Travel Lovers page and select your favourite city for a romantic getaway from the 10 proposed destinations.
  • Fill out the entry form with your contact details.
  • After submitting the form you’ll automatically enter our prize draw.
  • You can only participate once, from 8 to 28 February 2017.
  • The winner will be selected randomly and announced on March 2, 2017 on the Facebook pages of eDreams – United Kingdom, Spain and France.
  • Participation is open to all persons over 18 years old that reside in the United Kingdom, France or Spain

The prize

  • A discount voucher of £350 valid for Flight+Hotel bookings on the eDreams UK website (without minimum purchase)


2 responses to “Travel Lovers – Win a £350 discount voucher

  1. To eDreams Customer Service.

    You know what… I am so fed up with rich stealing from us poor…what a lame excuse “the deadline has already passed”…

    I work my ass off for money and had to spend money that I could definitely not spare…only to lose it through your “deadline pass” bullshit!

    I care for two ailing parents with cancer… the ONLY reason I had to travel was to replace my passport…Now YOUR slow customer service responds a full WEEK after my message…

    You can know one thing for sure…I will NEVER use your services again and I will tell all and sundry just how much your service stinks!

    SO…you send an automated (copy and paste) mail..

    I hope your company rots in hell!!!

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