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Flight & hotel offers to New York City

Check out our best package options

09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $227
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $233
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Rest Inn - Elizabeth 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $259
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Rest Inn - Elizabeth 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $259
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $270
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $276
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $284
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $288
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $288
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $291
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $303
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Mitchell Executive Hotel 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $303
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $248
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $259
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $262
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $278
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Freehand New York 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $283
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $291
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Fidelia Room B 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $232
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Glamour Room C 6mins to Newark Liberty 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $233
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $240
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $247
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Room F Divine Villa and Resorts 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $247
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 09 Aug - 11 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $258
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Motel 6 Albany, NY 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $272
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Travelodge Inn & Suites by Wyndham Albany 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $304
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 02 Aug - 04 Aug
Free Wi-Fi
From $311
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Super 8 by Wyndham Rahway/Newark 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $323
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $325
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person
Freehand New York 26 Jul - 28 Jul
Free Wi-Fi
From $335
FLIGHT + HOTEL per person

Vacation in New York

Presentation of New York

The capital of New York State, New York City is one of the most visited places in the entire United States. The modern city of New York dates back to 1624 when Dutch traders began to settle on the shores of Manhattan Island. When the English King, Charles II, took over control of the area in the 1660s, he granted the lands to his brother, the Duke of York, hence the area being named after that English city. In 1898, Brooklyn became a borough of the city and there are now four others, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island and the Bronx. Manhattan is, perhaps, the most famous of these because it is associated with the skyscrapers for which New York is best-known. Manhattan is also home to America's financial center on Wall Street as well as its famous Central Park, a tourist attraction which is enjoyed by millions of visitors and New Yorkers each year. With an incredible entertainment and sporting scene, vacation deals in New York appeal to a wide group of people in America so don't delay and book your trip to the Big Apple now!

Things to know before visiting New York

Flight and hotel packages in New York constitute the best way of getting value for money when visiting the Big Apple. With an urban population that is twice the size of even a sprawling city like Los Angeles, obtaining a great price for a hotel room is not always easy when demand is high, so booking one in advance when you purchase your flights makes a lot of sense. The city is served by three international airports and it is worth planning your onward journey into the heart of New York so that you are prepared when your plane touches down. Public transportation, private car rental and taxi fares can all be obtained with ease from each of the city's air hubs. The city is served by a subway system that is simple enough for newcomers to use, too. Purchase a card before you travel which you then put credit on. Every time you enter the subway system your card is swiped and the credit level drops accordingly. Bear in mind that this is regardless of how many stops you travel for, however, so short journeys cost just as much as long ones. Ask us at eDreams for more travel advice.

What is the weather in New York?

Enjoying a humid subtropical climate, any vacation in New York can be liable to changing weather conditions. In the summer, the city gets hot and can reach as high as 100 °F in July and August. However, as most buildings are air-conditioned, this is not something to worry about. In the winter months, snow is a frequent occurrence but the city's authorities are usually prepared for it and have the streets cleared to allow the usual daily life of New Yorkers to continue unimpeded. On average, April is the rainiest month of the year but the fact is that visitors could see rainfall no matter when they arrive so carrying some suitable clothing with you is advisable at all times. Vacation packages in New York are great no matter when you choose to travel, so make an inquiry today and get the ball rolling.

Things to do in New York

Although travel packages in New York come in various forms, one of the best ways of getting around the Big Apple these days is by bike. The city's authorities have encouraged the use of bicycles by creating a number of dedicated routes for them away from heavy traffic. Tourists can enjoy them by hiring one of the many city-owned bikes dotted around the place. Given that Broadway is the theatrical center of the entire country, no trip to the Big Apple would be complete without booking a show or two. Tickets can be expensive for the most popular shows, so look for last minute returns and bag yourself a bargain. Situated on the Upper West Side of Central Park, the American Natural History Museum is a place not to be missed, either. It has exhibition spaces dedicated to everything from space exploration to dinosaurs. Vacation getaways in New York should include some form of cultural experience, after all. Contact eDreams today to find out more.

What to see in New York in 2 or 3 days?

Travel packages in New York which have a limited amount of time can be exciting. Even if you cannot see everything, there are some highlights to pick out. A trip on the Staten Island ferry from the southern end of Manhattan, for example, allows you to see many of the major sights, like the Statue of Liberty, with ease. What's more, it is a free service. Vacation deals in New York that are based in Midtown should also include a trip to the city's most iconic skyscraper, the Empire State Building. Its viewing platform allows visitors to take in nearly the whole city in one glance. Finally, no trip to New York would be complete without a few hours in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of the world's greatest treasure houses of world art. Thinking of putting an itinerary together? Contact us to see how we can help.

What to eat in New York?

With so many world cultures intermingling in the city, no vacation in New York would be satisfactory without consuming some of the great food on offer. For example, one of the city's oldest restaurants, Delmonico's, has been operating since the 1830s and it serves superb eggs Benedict. Katz's Delicatessen is rightly famous for its excellent pastrami on rye, a favorite of many New Yorkers. Falafel is another dish that is loved all over the city. Try it for lunch at a place like Mamoun's located close to the city's university campus. Like other cities on the east coast, New York enjoys a great reputation for seafood restaurants, too. Cheap vacation packages are available from eDreams right now, so make a booking and start exploring the culinary delights of New York City soon.

Discover More Destinations

Are you planning your flight to United States? If the allure of New York for your getaway doesn't quite captivate you, consider delving into the charm of other vibrant cities from this country, and other near countries. Browse through our enticing flight and hotel bundles for your upcoming holiday escapade!