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Flight & hotel offers to Saint-Martin

Flight and hotel packages in Saint Martin

Presentation of Saint Martin

Saint Martin is an unusual island in the Caribbean in that it is owned partly by France and partly by the Netherlands. The French half is known as Saint-Martin and the Dutch side is Sint Maarten but confusingly, the island itself has the name Saint Martin. The population is similar on either side of the border and there are no border controls, but the Dutch side is a little more developed. If you want a livelier atmosphere this is the area to try, with casinos and a good nightlife. The French side, however, is a little quieter and perfect for a gentle, relaxed beach holiday. Whichever type of vacation you prefer, or even a little bit of both, book your flight to Saint Martin today and you can enjoy all of this fabulous island.

Things to know before visiting Saint Martin

Saint Martin doesn’t require US citizens to hold a visa as long as they are staying less than 90 days, just a valid passport for the duration of their stay. French is the main language on the Saint-Martin side, but English is widely spoken throughout the whole island and is also the main language for the Dutch side. Overall, you shouldn’t have a problem with being understood wherever you decide to visit on this beautiful island.

There is no one currency in Saint Martin, it all depends on where you are. Euros are in use on the French side, and guilders on the Dutch side even though they aren’t even in use in the Netherlands. Luckily, US dollars are also legal tender which makes it much easier. On the Dutch side you can pay for everything in dollars and also get dollars from the ATMs. On the French side it is a little harder as they will convert everything to euros at the current exchange rate, but will allow you to pay in dollars. This sometimes will work in your favor, and sometimes not depending on the rate they are using. However, just make sure you check each time and you shouldn’t have a problem.

Book your flight from New York to Saint Martin or flight from Los Angeles to Saint Martin with us today and you will soon be reveling in the Caribbean sunshine on your dream vacation.

What is the weather in Saint Martin?

Just as with other Caribbean islands, the weather here is glorious almost throughout the year. It is also a little drier than some of the other islands and because it is mainly low-lying, has a consistent warm temperature whenever you plan on visiting. Book your travel package to Saint Martin now to take advantage of it as soon as you can.

Things to do in Saint Martin

This little island has an amazing number of sights to see and activities to partake in, so you’ll never be bored however long your vacation is. You can try scuba diving even if you aren’t certified, as there are dive companies that tether you safely to both your air tanks and your buddy for the ultimate in excitement. If you enjoy adrenaline sports you can also visit Loterie Farm on the slopes of the island’s highest peak, Pic Paradis, and try their zipline or one of their obstacle courses.

For a more serene excursion you can visit the historical Fort Louis built in 1767 and marvel at the incredible views of the island and beyond. To experience all of this, book one of our travel packages to Saint Martin today and you will soon be enjoying an incredible vacation getaway.

What to eat in Saint Martin?

For a tiny island, there is a massive amount of choice when it comes to food. You can try luxurious and opulent or cheap and unpretentious and have an equally spectacular meal. Either way you should try the local barbecue shacks, called lolos, at least once on your vacation for exceptional local food at a very reasonable price. With both French and Dutch influences mixing with Creole, the food has to be tasted to be believed, from delicious mahi mahi ceviche to duck breast in papaya juice you will find it hard to tear yourself away. Book a flight and hotel package to Saint Martin with us today and start enjoying these typically Caribbean flavors.

What to bring from Saint Martin?

The Shipwreck shops are the best place to find a souvenir from Saint Martin, and they can be found all over the island. Rum is the Caribbean’s worst kept secret, and you can find the most amazing tasting rum and rum-flavored delicacies wherever you look. Local spices are another good souvenir choice that are sure to liven up your cooking once you have returned home. The best way to start your vacation is by booking it as soon as you can, so have a look at some of our last minute vacation packages to Saint Martin and you could soon be there yourself.

Discover More Destinations

Are you planning your flight to France? If the allure of Saint Martin for your getaway doesn't quite captivate you, consider delving into the charm of other vibrant cities from this country, and other near countries. Browse through our enticing flight and hotel bundles for your upcoming holiday escapade!