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Flight & hotel offers to Montreal

Book your dream vacation to Montreal

Presentation of Montreal

Situated on the Island of Montreal, this popular city in Quebec is a popular choice for tourists from across the globe. Montreal is one of the largest and most populous cities in Canada, with a rich cultural heritage that provides plenty to keep visitors occupied. If you’re looking for flight and hotel Montreal deals, you’ve come to the right place. Browse our selection of flights to Montreal and take your pick from an affordable range of accommodation, then start counting down the days until your vacation getaway.

Things to know before visiting Montreal

If you're visiting Canada’s cultural capital for the first time thanks to one of our Montreal flight and hotel packages, there’s a few key things to remember to ensure you make the most of your trip. For a start, most inbound flights arrive into Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport, otherwise known as Dorval Airport. No matter whether you’re booked onto a flight from New York to Montreal or are heading in from elsewhere, this busy transport hub will serve as your first stop. Located approximately 12 miles from Downtown Montreal itself, it’s incredibly well connected to the wider area, with excellent ground transportation links and a round-the-clock schedule of buses ensuring you’ll have no trouble making a hotel transfer in no time at all.

If you’re venturing in via a flight from Los Angeles to Montreal or coming in from further afield, it’s also worth remembering that Montreal operates within the Eastern Time Zone. Local currency is the Canadian Dollar, while the most commonly language spoken here is French. However, those who need to brush up on their French language skills needn’t worry, with many local residents speaking English perfectly well. Start planning your dream trip to Montreal today with our great vacation getaway deals.

What is the weather in Montreal?

With its continental climate and classic seasons, Montreal makes a welcome getaway destination throughout the year. Booked a flight and hotel in Montreal for the summer months? Look forward to warm summers, with average temperatures hovering around the 72 degrees Fahrenheit mark. Planning a festive vacation getaway in this Canadian city? The December average hovers around 45 degrees Fahrenheit, with a good chance of snow in the deep winter months. Whether it’s sizzling summer temperatures or snowy scenes you’re after, it’s easy to plan an exciting adventure in Montreal with our epic range of vacation deals.

What to do in Montreal?

There’s a rich cultural scene at the heart of Montreal, with plenty to keep you occupied while you’re in town. Once you’ve put together your basic itinerary by booking one of our flight and hotel packages in Montreal, it’s time to start planning the rest of your trip in more detail. One first-rate way to spend a day is to head to Mount Royal Park, one of the largest green areas in and around the city. There’s also a wide variety of museums to explore, with popular spots including the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. You’ll be plenty occupied form dawn until dark, with fine dining establishments aplenty and a thriving nightlife scene. With so much on offer, your vacation getaway to Montreal won’t have a single dull moment. Browse and book from our epic range of deals online today.

What to see in Montreal?

Our travel packages in Montreal provide you with the perfect choice of sightseeing vacation. This historic city has plenty to uncover and explore, with iconic sights aplenty in Old Montreal. This historic district of the city, located south of the main Downtown area, is home to some of the most popular attractions in town. Schedule in some time to soak in the surroundings, with landmarks including the Old Port of Montreal, Montreal City Hall and the Montreal Botanical Gardens all waiting for you. You’ll be itching to get out and explore as soon as you land, so book one of our travel deals to this celebrated city today and start looking forward to a vacation you’ll remember for years to come.

What to eat in Montreal?

One of the best things about any vacation getaway is the chance to indulge your appetite with a host of new flavors. In Montreal, true gourmands have plenty to get excited about, with a wide selection of restaurants and eateries to explore. From humble food trucks serving up delicious cheap eats, to more refined restaurants in the trendier corners of town, there’s no shortage of choice for those looking to treat their palates to something new. While enjoying one of our last minute vacation packages, you’ll want to make sure to indulge in some of Montreal’s most iconic offerings. Poutine, Fairmount bagels and smoked meats aplenty are top of the menu in this city. No matter how long you’re visiting, you’ll always have something fresh to feast on. Browse our travel packages online today for a date that suits you, and start counting down the days until your dream getaway to Montreal.

Discover More Destinations

Are you planning your flight to Canada? If the allure of Montreal for your getaway doesn't quite captivate you, consider delving into the charm of other vibrant cities from this country, and other near countries. Browse through our enticing flight and hotel bundles for your upcoming holiday escapade!